Tuesday, April 1, 2014

An Abstracted Approach

As I stated in my last post (When R.A.D. meets the A-to-Z Challenge), my brain appears rather abstract in how it links subject. Based on that, I’ll start today’s posting with my thoughts on abstract art.

*for clarity’s sake, when I switch definite topics, I’ll start a new paragraph with the new link capitalized.*

Abstract Art

Abstract art has always been one of my favorite kinds of art. I know that some people don’t like it because it isn’t always meant to be one easily discernable subject, and if it is, how the artist views the subject is not always clear. I love the ambiguity of so many abstract pieces! Not always having things appear as clearly as we’d like is, in my humble opinion, a great way to make our brain gain more wrinkles – a good thing, as wrinkly brains are smarter, healthier, and look a lot like walnuts! So, would this mean that those who create abstract art have wrinkly brains? I’m not sure, but while looking up some more information about abstract art, I found some pretty neat bits of information.
For example, http://www.abstract-art-framed.com/famous-abstract-artists.html credits Wassily Kandinsky as abstract art’s pioneer.  If you go to this page and click on his name, you can see some of his work. There are links to other artists’ work on the page, as well as information about the artists. Wow – I wonder what they were thinking for many of the pieces. I know that some feel that anyone can do abstract art, but I know I certainly can’t do that kind of work. Then again, I am more of a stick figure kind of artist – oh, and I can draw some great side-view beds and chairs! Impressed yet?  No?  Okay, then go to the website I mentioned and get your impressed-self on! Find something you like, something you hate, something that makes you feel.  Remember, what you get from a piece may have nothing to do with what the artist meant to put into the piece. It may have nothing to do with what another person gets from it. Those facts do not make any of you wrong, so I hope you don’t make that Assumption.  Ooh! New topic!


I feel pretty comfortable Assuming that at least some of you know the phrase, ‘you know what you get when you assume – you make an ASS out of U and ME’ (ha, ha, ha).  Assuming may get us into trouble sometimes, but I think of assuming – at least in the positive frame of mind – as a way that people make mental connections with other people. They may not make accurate connections, when they take it for granted that someone else thinks the same way, but people who assume…well, at least they are trying on some level to make connections. Yes, they may be seeking Approval from others, and hoping – praying, even – that their assumptions are accurate and Accepted, but they are putting themselves out there. Personally, I think that is pretty darn brave!


This set of topics jumped out at me as a group (with the insertion of appeasement, thanks brain!), because I consider this one of the biggest trials we face as people. We all want approval from those who we love, respect, and whose opinion we value. If we didn’t seek this approval for everything from our beliefs to our orientations to our Appearances (and on to many other tidbits of our lives, including where we live and what names we give our children and/or pets), then I don’t think our society would be as messed up as it sometimes feels. Lately, I have had some pretty intense feelings that so many people are getting either Aggressive or are trying to Appease everyone at the same time. What happened to we have the freedom of speech, but that right ends when and where the rights of another begins? I have the right to say what I want, when and where I want to say it, but since my rights do not supersede those of another, my using my freedom of speech means I’m willing to accept any consequences (positive or negative) that may arise as a result of my using that freedom. Does that mean that people can just attack me because they don’t happen to like or agree with what I say or do? Absolutely not. I’m not here to make things pretty and simple and easy for everyone. That’d be no fun! Nor am I here to have everyone make things simple, pretty, and easy for me – I wouldn’t evolve as a person if that were the case!  What it means, however, is that your freedom of speech, beliefs, etc., may not coincide with mine, but you and I both have the same rights to HAVE our beliefs, opinions, and such. Which leads us to my last topic of the A blog:


One of the hardest things in Life is to Accept what we don’t like – about others – but even more, about ourselves. We are Amazing individuals, who can make this world a better place with everything we do. That choice is up to us, though. Acceptance is an Active Action of the conscious mind, and something that we all deserve. Does Accepting someone else mean we approve or even like any particular aspect of that person? Absolutely not!  All it means is that we understand and agree to acknowledge that however that person is simply is that person. We can protest what they say and go against what they do, and still accept that person as that person presents him or herself. There are many people who have beliefs and viewpoints that are the opposite of mine. Two of my good friends at work are on the far side of the spectrum (on so many points) from me. We are not only able to work together and get along, we actually have fun doing so, and are there as support for each other. Why and how? Two things: we accept each other however we present ourselves (even if we disagree with each other, which does happen!), and we found something in common that linked us, and led to more and more links of topics in common.  All in all, it’s a pretty cool feeling.

Thanks for your Attention to my A blog. If you have questions that you’d like Answers to, please feel free to Ask Away. I’ll answer as I can.

I wish you and yours a wonderful evening and an even brighter day tomorrow. I’ll see you in the Bs.


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