Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Saving the Scenery and Species

Saving the Scenery and Species

Happy Earth Day, my fellow Earthlings! Today, I spent quite a few hours in the car, driving to pick up one of my fabulous nieces and bring her home with me for the rest of the week. She’s volunteering as a counselor at my school’s Outdoor School program for our 5th graders. As I drove up, I kept thinking about how absolutely gorgeous this state is, and how lucky I am to live here (I’m in Oregon, USA). I didn’t think that when I was dealing with some…special…drivers in the middle of a downpour, but I thought it otherwise! J Keeping with the S theme for today and the fact that today is honored as Earth Day (though I am one of those who considers every day I’m alive Earth Day – when I’m dead, I don’t care so much?), so let’s talk about Saving – the Scenery and Species.

When I was in high school, I went on a trip with a youth group. We went to San Francisco, and the surrounding area, each year doing some things just a bit differently than the year before. One of my favorite bits was the year we went to Marine World Africa USA. I am not as fond of zoos and other places like that when they don’t provide the animals they are supposed to be saving with enough room and such, but this place looked good, and the animals looked happy. At the entrance to either the park or an attraction, I saw a sign with a quote that has followed me ever since.

In the end, we will save only what we love,
We will love only what we know,
We will know only what we have been taught.

This is one of my favorite quotes – so thanks, Anonymous! It’s true that we work to save what we love, we love what we know, and we know what we have been taught – by teachers, parents, society, our randomly sprouted interests, a book, a beautiful sunset or picture of some place. Anything can and does teach us. Many of those things will teach us to love something, and that will help us when it comes to saving what is important to each of us.  I won’t go near religious stuff right now – I could so easily start a debate on some of those topics, simply because I love to see how people reason, but I’d rather not start a fight – but I will say this: this is our planet. I truly believe it is not handed down to us by our ancestors, but is rather on loan to us from future generations. In my heart of hearts I know that it is my responsibility – and my honor – to do what I can to leave a better place than what currently exists for my nieces and nephews and their kids and kids’ kids, etc.  There are so many Species that are going extinct, and by human hands and/or actions (or lack of action). The Scenery is gorgeous, but can be made better – if not here, than somewhere in the world.

What we do in our own lives can truly affect what happens to this entire world. I’m hopeful that we will, as a society of human beings, choose to Save the Scenery and the Species of this world. Maybe we’ll end up saving our own Species in the process.

Thanks for your time,


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