Yesterday’s post ended with some of my thoughts on
Acceptance. I’ll Begin this post with what came to mind as I wrote that bit
yesterday – we need to accept ourselves if we want to move past certain things
and be able to approach Beginnings. Beginnings that will lead us to those
goals, dreams, wide and open meadows full of flowers that we aren’t allergic
to, and the cutest animals ever, and sunbeams that always warm and never burn.
Well, it’s a thought. =)
Beginnings are typically touted as completely wonderful,
perfect, and amazing. What we don’t always choose to acknowledge is that they
are also scary, sometimes even terrifying. The bravery that it takes to go
through that beginning, to actually decide to try something new, that is
something amazing. I think we, as a society, need to realize that, and need to
acknowledge it. I hear a lot of cheers for those who finish well, and I agree
that finishing well is completely amazing and needs to be celebrated. We need
to, however, also recognize what it takes to start something new – Beginnings can
be beyond scary, and going for what they represent can be the Bravest thing we
ever do.
Bravery, or ‘Braverism’ – as I believe it’s referred to as
in the amazing musical, Wicked – is something we associate with doing something
that is dangerous. It also refers to doing something that scares us. Now, for
some, Bravery is jumping from a plane, going into battle with the armed forces
(thank you ALL for your service!), fighting crime or fires (thank you all!),
and other such actions. Are these Brave? Abso-freaking-lutely, though the idea
of jumping out of a perfectly good plane – for any reason – is not my bag o’chips,
by any means. If it rocks your socks, go for it, and I’ll wave from the ground.
Bravery comes in many other forms as well. It can show itself when one comes
out of any kind of closet to a loved one, or asking out that person on whom you’ve
had a crush forever. It can look like someone who takes a mark on stage or on a
starting line. Someone who memorizes facts and participates in a Bee in front
of others – wow! – or who gives a speech in front of coworkers or supervisors…or
the press. For quietly standing up for
what you believe in, especially when your voice shakes, and you know – or find
out - that you stand alone for what you
feel is right; these are all so brave. Acting without fear doesn’t denote
Bravery; acting because you believe it’s the right thing to do does. And that
is simply Beautiful.
Every day I am amazed at just how much Beauty there is in
the world. Yes, I realize that there is a lot of ugly and hurtful stuff out
there, but I truly believe that the world’s Beauty supersedes the negativity. A
stranger holding the door to make your day just that tiny bit easier. One
spouse giving another flowers, just to see that loved one smile. A student
returning a book he isn’t done with so a classmate that he can’t stand can read
it first. A smile on a grandparent’s face while watching a grandchild take
those precious first steps, and the joy in someone’s eyes when they realize
that the far-off, seemingly unachievable goal is what they just managed to do.
Beauty is also in the written word – how people express themselves. Putting
yourself out there in the Land of Cyberness, in any form, and how you can
express yourself, put it on paper for others to explore and try to understand
later – be it art or in Books. That is Beautiful.
I am a self-proclaimed bibliophile. I likes me some books…at
least a bit. =) I constantly am reading
books – in physical and electronic form, I like both – and absolutely love the
written word. Why? The answer differs, depending on who you ask. Partially, it
is because I’m a writer, and I fully believe in the concept that, in order to
become a great writer, I must be a great reader. I love to joke that I will
suffer through the pains of reading good writing is my load to carry, *gasp*
ah, poor me! *dramatic sigh with a silly pose*
I also love Books, which works well for me because I run a library. I
run the library in an elementary school. I have the best job in the world
because I get to introduce young students to books of all kinds , and help them
get hooked on reading. Yes, there are frustrations that crop up, like a student
who wants so badly to read a certain book, but who isn’t there yet, no matter
what he or his teachers try. When that student comes to me – even years later –
and shows me what he is currently reading, and tells me what other Books he
likes…that is the Beauty in Books. Working in an elementary school shows me
Beginnings, a great deal of Bravery –in both students and staff – and Brings me
a great deal of hope for our future.
May the Brightest of Blessings grace you and yours.
Thank you for your time. I hope to see you tomorrow, as I
explore where my Brain chooses to go with the letter C.
Good selection of B words. I'll be back for more!