You know the sensation that if your ears go the tiniest bit
higher, they will suddenly attach themselves to your ears? Or the one where
your head feels about as great as it would if the current world champion of
weight lifting were to start squeezing it between his hands? That evil S word
that comes into our lives so much (psst,
stress)…and is so hard to counter…then Relaxation comes
in to save the day!
Well you COULD have pretended to hear superhero sound
effects with that, you really could have. *sigh*
Relaxation. That fabulous aspect of life that we – as a
rather stupid society in this case – do not participate in nearly enough.
Why relax? It lowers stress, allows your body to recover
from the ‘fight or flight’ adrenaline that we often get into, even in just a
mental status; essentially, it allows us to recover from the annoying bits of
Life, mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually.
Now, I have to put this out there as it was part of a rather
heated discussion between some of my friends a few years ago: I do NOT believe
that there is any one way that is best for everyone to relax. If there were,
that’d be rather boring, which would distract me from actually relaxing, and
then I’d worry about not relaxing enough, which would undo all the work I did
while relaxing (yep, that is essentially what I said when I was dragged into
the argument, but with a bored tone of voice, apparently J). Yep, that’s right,
my friends were not arguing about ways to relax, but the one best way for
everyone to relax, which I happen to think is ridiculous. Person A will relax
best to weeding the garden (please come and relax in my garden areas!), some
relax best by cleaning and organizing (come on over), and some need a certain
type of music, or a specific book, or to run several miles (I have friends like
this. Yes, they are very sick). Here’s what my arguing friends couldn’t figure
out during that argument – there are even people who have lots of ways to
relax, and use them in *gasp* varying combinations! Why? Because (drum roll,
please)…we are all human (and the crowd goes wild).
Yep, my friends have some weird arguments at times. Typically, they entertain me on some level or
another. That one just bored me. I’m one of those people who has so many ways
to relax, it’s often amazing that I have enough tension in my body to stand
upright. In fact, writing these blog entries gets me into a zone of sorts that
relaxes me nearly to sleep each day. My sister loves it when I feel antsy while
visiting her because she never knows what will be cleaned during my relaxation
process – she especially loves it when I have the urge to iron. Yes, iron. No,
I won’t come and iron all your stuff. I’m busy this week. Maybe next time. Of
course, I also sing, dance, act, nap, mediate, people watch, avoid all people,
walk the dogs, snuggle the dogs, write a scene out that comes to me randomly,
watch a marathon of certain shows, and who knows what else will help my brain
and body shut up enough for the rest of me to do its thing. I love finding new
ways to relax, and when a certain way to relax decides to work for me in a new
I can’t figure out why, in this day and age, with all the
advancements we have beyond those of yesteryear – heck, yesterday, in some
areas – why we are burning ourselves up so darn fast. I do hope it change soon,
though. There are some amazing people out there that I’d like to meet, have a
cup of tea with, and then randomly break into song – in public – simply because
we can.
What are your favored ways to relax?
My favorite way to relax is something to read in bed. I never feel more at home than a good book and blanket.