Welcome back – or for the first time, perhaps – and come on
in for the I’s Have Today!
Keeping on the trend of things I am Grateful for, and those
that make me Happy…this time with I words…here we go!
Ish – this is a wonderful book by Peter H. Reynolds. You can
check it and his other works out here: http://www.peterhreynolds.com/.
I love Ish not only as a picture book, but as a concept. We focus as a society
so Intensely on being utterly precise, which I admit is vital in some cases –
like brain surgery. However, there are times when Ish is okay, wonderful, and
the best option. We do not have to be so freaking precise, people (can anyone
tell that I’m also talking to myself here?)! When we are less precise in at
least some areas, so much beauty can free itself to share what it knows with the
world. I try so very hard to be so precise and exact and accurate in so many
areas of my life that I relish the times I allow myself to be Ish. Often these
times come at night, thanks to Insomnia.
Insomnia – I know this sounds odd, but I am Incredibly
grateful for the many years I spent dealing with Insomniac and Insomniac-Ish nights. I still deal with
them every so often, but lately I’ve dealt with them by staying in bed and
plotting a story, arguing with a character, or figuring out how to be as
efficient as possible the next day so I can get the ‘needed’ junk done and move
on to the ‘wanted’ part of my list. Yes, I do lists. Lists make me happy, too!
Plus, I need lists, thanks to the way my brain works, to make sure I get certain
things done, don’t forget to bring along certain items for errands, and avoid
foods that I’m allergic to, like Ice cream.
Ice cream – one of my first jobs was scooping Ice cream, and
I am so grateful for that experience. I learned so much in those months,
Including how to properly scoop Ice cream despite my not learning properly at
first and ending up with carpal tunnel symptoms. That experience taught me to
learn for the dorky videos presented to me, whenever they show up, to accept a
range of what is acceptable (ooh, Ish!), and to strive to make it natural.
Plus, I learned which Ice creams are mean to order during a rush (peanut butter
fudge, chocolate mousse anything), how to slice a banana without ever touching
the fruit itself, how to upsell when it’s appropriate, but not make anyone feel
pushed into something they don’t want (I can’t stand pushy sales people. I
prefer helping people find what they need and want and what is best for them),
and how to keep track of the orders of several small children during a rush
while they are only semi-watched by a harried adult. Result: my patience went
up quite a bit, which can only help me for the rest of my life, I Imagine.
Imagination – I work with children, and the greatest thing
about them is a combination of their wonder and their Imagination. I heard
somewhere that we learn best when we are young because our brains are still
forming and other scientific and nifty-sounding reasoning. I think it’s that,
definitely, but more so, because we are still open to possibilities. We don’t
automatically dismiss something because it isn’t possible, because – as children
– it still is possible. No matter what those silly adults think, say, or try to
persuade us. The Imaginings of so many people have brought us Inventions, art,
progressive movements, life-saving techniques and devices, amazing movies,
plays, and books. Hello – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Need I say more? I
didn’t think so.
What do you Imagine you can accomplish if you allow yourself
to Ish? Yes, I did just turn that into a
Ishfully yours,
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