Friday, April 4, 2014

Dogs, Dining, and Downtime

Greetings and salutations – yes, I love Charlotte’s Web. Welcome to Day D (D-Day sounded too…World War II for this post)! Yesterday’s post left off with Consuming, which made me think of Dinner…and away we go!


Dinner, one of those important meal things, typically consumed in the evening hours. When I was young, I heard breakfast, lunch, Dinner, and supper. I got confused as to what was Dinner and what was supper. One of my grandmas explained that her family used the term ‘Dinner’ for the biggest meal of the day, and they often ate that in the middle of the day, and supper was then the evening meal. Their meals were breakfast, Dinner, and supper, for the most part. My other grandma told me (yep, I asked to compare stories) that they had their biggest meal in the evening, so they had breakfast, lunch, and Dinner. Then there’s my experience of such things as ‘breakfast for Dinner’ – which I’m pretty sure in my grandmothers’ day would have completely screwed up the entire order of things, and may have caused the planet to start spinning the other way!

Overall, though, when I think of Dinner, I think of a larger group of family  - and maybe even friends – gathering around a table to share a meal, some stories, and that amazing gift of time. My family did a lot of sit-down Dinners together. Breakfast was eaten in time to make it to school or work; lunch was eaten at work or school, and Dinner was a time to gather around the table, eat food, and talk about our days, and other such bits of awesome. Even as my siblings and I grew older and got into more activities, we still often sat and ate Dinner together. To me, Dinner is a community thing, a Decompression Deal, and a great transition from what I have to do to Downtime when I can do whatever floats my boat.


I think this cropped up in my brain because my life has been dealing with a serious Drought in this area. Please don’t’ misunderstand me, I love me some Downtime! I don’t have a superhero complex – the mere concept of thinking that anyone can’t do anything without me is too weird to even think about thinking about (ooh, massage your brain over that one!) – I just happen to be at one of those points in life where my proverbial plate is incredibly full. Every time I schedule Downtime (yes, I schedule it – I tend to respect it far more when I schedule time for me) something crops up and it often is something that is both important and urgent. It so often lately has been something that I absolutely cannot reschedule or just put aside for the time being, so I end up nixing my Downtime. This is something I’m trying to work at fixing.

I think we all need more Downtime. I hear and see so many people feeling so much stress, and I think a lot of it has to do with how much we feel we have to do, so we don’t allow ourselves to do what we want to do. I realize that much of the time this is because we feel we can’t allow ourselves to relax when we have so much that must get done. I do this, too. I’m just trying to work on not doing it. There’s too much out there that shows how much all this ‘doing’ is damaging our health. I’m working on not doing so much, even though I fully admit that I suck at it. I’m still trying! I don’t even think it matters what I choose to do for my Downtime, as long as it is what I want to do, rather than what I need to do. Sometimes, the two coincide. I just don’t worry about it. To have Downtime, I like to garden, read, write, meditate, dance, organize (yeah, sometimes it is what I want to do so I relax...don’t ask, I know I’m an odd duck), nap, walk a few miles with my headphones plugged into my random playlists of favorite songs, walk a few miles listening to what I encounter, and walk my Dogs.


Dogs, often touted as man’s best friend, make my life so much happier. I currently have a Dog, Jackson, who I adopted when he had just turned a year old. I adopted him on Earth Day, so every April I get to celebrate another year of having him in my life. This Earth Day I will have had him for eight years! Wowza! I got my other Dog, Salty, a few months after Jackson, when my sister and brother-in-law rescued her and she didn’t get along with their Dogs – and I think there was a limit of how many Dogs they could have at their military posting. Somehow, in the in-between weeks, she decided I’m her Alpha, so it makes sense that she owns me with Jackson. She’s my old gal, since we think she is about thirteen right now. I am definitely blessed. These two greet me at the door every time I come inside – even from just taking out the trash – with their hind ends wagging like they’ve been missing me for months. Every time! Now that is a way to feel great! 

They are both rescue babies, and they are so much of my heart, I can’t even express it fully. I’m a very proud Dog mom, and I totally understand that I get more out of our relationship than they do. They give so much love (and middle of the night random kisses and cold noses on my foot or leg if it pokes out from under the covers, just so I won’t forget I’m loved), and are so happy with the simplest things…except brushes and baths. When it comes to those, they both look at me and ask with those eyes why they are being punished with the scratchy thing or the wet stuff when they didn’t do anything wrong. I know there are cat people, Dog people, and the battles between them can get fierce. I have always had Dogs, though I do like cats, and I ‘get’ Dogs a lot more. Yep, I’m a Dog person. Actually, I’m an animal person, but when I’m getting ready for another animal to ‘own’ me (and they train me so very well), my choice does go straight to the Dogs. And pet rocks. Pet rocks are cool. They play dead really well!

Pet rocks aside, no matter how you choose to enjoy your Downtime, I encourage us all to cultivate some, as well as enjoy an actual Dinner time with friends or family soon (or both), and just Deflate the stresses on your shoulders, and share the love with a Dog – remember, petting your Dog helps lower your blood pressure! =) Let’s get healthy! See you for E Day tomorrow! 

Thanks for your time!


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