Yesterday’s Day of Fs ended with Fuel and what Fires shall
we use the Fuel to…well, Fuel? This leads me to my word today:
I am a very lucky person. I have a great deal for which to
be Grateful. I have a job. One that pays and comes with benefits. Is it ideal,
and is my pay enough for me to completely live with no help or anything like
that? Absolutely not, which makes me even more Grateful that I have that job. I
shudder to think of what my life would be like if I didn’t have that job, and
its benefits. Benefits that are offered as a group plan – I’m in public
education – so my preexisting conditions (that I didn’t know about for the
first 27-ish years of my life) cannot make it so I am denied insurance. My
preexisting conditions are ADHD, OCD, and TS. I am Grateful for all of these
conditions because they help me to understand other people on so many extra
levels that I would not be able to connect if I didn’t have these three
neurological conditions.
Technically, the medical field terms ADHD, OCD, and TS as
neurological disorders. To me, disorders indicate that something is wrong with
you. There is nothing wrong with me, nor with anyone else with these
conditions, so I don’t use the term. I prefer ‘different orders.’ Without having the experience of actually
having my version of alphabet soup, I wouldn’t necessarily think of them as
different orders, rather than disorders – very powerful connection, and a very
powerful perspective that I am very Grateful is part of my life.
My work in public education gives me a large number of
reasons to be Grateful – on a daily basis. I work in an elementary school, and
get to see so many educational miracles take place. From watching a student who
proclaimed on the first day of school that he hates books and can’t read and
will never learn to read and will never like reading (ooh! Personal challenge!)
who – a few measly years later – comes up to me and tells me that I had been
right when I challenged him that first day, and he loved to read! Students who
come in barely communicating in English who learn to read, write, and
communicate in their second language – wowza! There are so many examples of
reasons to be Grateful at my work – and so many are due to the beyond amazing
work of my coworkers as they guide these young minds to not only think, but how
to think, figure things out, make decisions and connections, and then apply
them to so many parts of life. WOW!
I have a wonderful family – including some amazing nieces
and nephews (thanks to my siblings and their spouses for supplying me with those)!
I love each of those amazing people, and the cool thing is that I like every
person in my family. I know, right? Who gets to be that blessed? The answer? This gal, right here! See why I’m so Grateful?
Most people don’t believe me, but I’m a major introvert with
a sometimes side of extrovert goober-wackiness.
I have the gift that I get to nurture that side of myself outside of
work, and can save those urges for weirdness to hone my love of sharing books with
students and staff. While it is
sometimes annoying that many disbelieve me when I express how I’m so
introverted, I’m actually quite Grateful for their disbelief, because that
means I’m playing the needed part at work well enough that the vast majority
thinks it is the only side of me. Dang! I’m a darn good actress! J
I’m sticking with one thought for my G-Day, because there is
so much for me to be Grateful for, my brain – and heart – decided to stay on
the one topic. For me that is quite the shocker, so I think I will just enjoy
it while it lasts – with Gratitude.
What in your life makes you feel Grateful?
See you tomorrow for the day of Hs!
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