No and Newsies
Believe it or not, keeping in the mindset of the R.A.D. game
I’m playing this month, my mind really went from Moon and Moments to No. You
see, I’m one of those people who absolutely sucks at saying No, which decreases
the Moments that I have time to experience.
I like to help people. I’m a major loner and an introvert,
but when I’m around people – like at work – I like to help out. Sometimes I
like to help out so much that I take too much on. I’m working on that. I even
have friends at work who like to tease me whenever they see that I’m listening
to a ‘pitch’ from someone that may end up adding to my list of things to do. I
work toward balance in this area especially, because if I commit to too many
things at once, I will miss out on so many moments. I see it as my saying No to
one thing that I don’t necessarily need (or want) to do leaves me more time to
say Yes to something I want and/or need to do…like listening the Newsies
soundtrack and dance around whatever space I happen to be in at the time.
I love me some musicals. I not only own up to that, I
celebrate it – often with ad lib dance moves (yes, even at work – why not?). Newsies is one of my all-time favorites.
Basic story that won’t give too much away…turn of the century, newsboys fought
for fair treatment from the big publishing giants, fighting for themselves and
more – and all to awesome songs with great dancing! I’ve only seen the movie
version, but I love the music from Broadway’s show, and can’t wait to see that
take on it.
Newsies represents so much to me – I’m a proud union member,
I believe in fair treatment for everyone, I’m very into theatre, singing, and
dancing – and there are definitely songs in the show that give me goose bumps.
I absolutely love when a story, song, or moment in time gives me goose bumps. Those
goose bumps mean I feel a happy ending, a sense of hope, or something like
that. Sometimes, the reasoning behind the goose bumps isn’t always easily
explained. In fact, there are often times I have no words for the feeling, but
getting it still feels absolutely great!
What can we say No to that will let us have a Yes or two?
What is your version of Newsies –
what show or book or whatever gives you that goose bump feeling?
Thanks for your time! I hope you have a splendiferous day!
Ah, I am terrible at saying "no," but finally (at 45) getting a bit better at it. One of the things I love about having a hard time saying "no" is that everyone around me always chastises me (in a mostly loving way) about my taking on too much, but those same people are always in line asking for things...Everyone agrees it would be so much healthier for me to say "no" more often to everyone BUT them. :)