Greetings! My last entry ended with Endings (irony or redundency?….hm),
which brings me to my first F-word (yep, I decided to go there): Freedom
I live in the United States of America. I am fully aware of the fact
that I am incredibly lucky to be living in this country at this time, because
the way the country is set up ensures that I have certain Freedoms. I have
rights, and, with them, responsibilities. I have the Freedom to say what I
want, believe what I want, and all kind of other nifty Freedoms. However,
something I think we all need to be aware of - some just more aware of - is
that our Freedoms and rights end where another person’s Freedoms and rights
begin. I love that I have these freedoms, and I fully recognize that my rights
do not supercede those of others, and if mine infringed upon others, I would be
in the wrong. I also recognize that the reverse is true. What saddens me is
that I see and hear about so many people trying to shove their points of view
down the throats of others who don’t view things the same way, or who don’t
believe or live the same way. We are all living beings, and deserve to be
treated with respect, yes. But we don’t deserve to expect others to feel or
live the same way as we do. Hope for it,
sure. Expect it? Heck, no! Yes, in this case there is a big ol’ Fire under me.
I like Fire. Not in the scary, I’m in need of therapy sense, but in the
‘wow, science is amazing and this is pretty’ type of deal. I love the warmth,
the cozy feeling that comes with a nice Fire in the Fireplace, the many moods
that can be assisted by candle light. Many traditions are centered around and
supported by Fire - an altar or meditation with lit candles; a bonFire to
celebrate a big game win; a romantic dinner with candlelight or a warm Fire
nearby...I’m sure if I were to look into different cultures and their rituals
and such, that my list would go on for quite some time. There are probably a
rather large number of items on the list that many of the cultures have in
common - a nice aspect of all humans having things in common.
There are some who can see images in flames, some who can read the Fire
and tell you of different things, maybe even things to come. Some don’t believe
in this type of thing, and some are so against it due to teachings, fear, or
something else, that they believe those who can do this are evil, and other
negative descriptors. I think it goes more that different people have different
talents, just as different people have different associations with Fire. Some
feel fear due to a bad experience with Fire – maybe a house Fire or other scary
instance – some Feel a sense of responsibility and a job that needs to be done
(thank you all FireFighting personnel! You all rock!), and some Feel a sense of
comfort and of coming home to a special place reserved just for certain times,
or to a Family home where wonderful memories of roasting marshmallows with
grandparents and parents while hearing family stories. I’m pretty sure we all have at least some
sort of association when it comes to Fire – including the Fire in our belly
(not indigestion) that gets us revved up to take action – Fuel for our Fire.
Fire needs fuel to burn, to live. What we are passionate about needs
the same – fuel to keep our interest hot and moving. What I feel is the most
vital in this area is what we are allowing to Fuel our Fires. Will we choose to
use hatred, fear, and lack of knowledge to Fuel the Fires of our passions and
actions. Why do we use these? They are
easier to produce, as they are lower level Fuels. They easily come into
existence, and can produce quick, hot Fires…but those Fires are mere Flashes in
the proverbial pans. Love, support, hope, and knowledge require more time and
energy from us, but the Fuels that they produce are longer burning, more
reliable, and are FAR less likely to destroy us as part of their Fuel.
What Fires you up, and what will you choose as Fuel for those Fires?
See you tomorrow for G Day!
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