Greetings! I hope you had a wonderful day of Ish. Today I
was enjoying an Ish moment when I overheard a snippet of conversation that had something
to do with why – for what reason – someone chose to do…something. I didn’t hear
much of the conversation, but it triggered my brain into thinking about
reasons, the ‘whys’ we do things. To earn money, to pay bills, because it’s the
right thing to do, because this person does it, because *insert deity here*
proclaims it thus, because I want to...the list could continue beyond my
lifespan, so I’ll focus today on my favorite reason: Just because.
Just because
We all know there are a kajillion reasons why we do what we
do, most of which seem to revolve around necessities. We need to eat, so we buy
and cook food. We need to pay our bills, so we have jobs. We need to rest and
recover, so we sleep. We do many things ‘because it’s our job’ – the job of
whichever role we are playing at that time: spouse, parent, teacher, friend,
employee, employer, human being. My absolute favorite reason is multi-faceted,
but I love its summary: just because.
Why do we do certain things for which we have no
explanation? Could it be ‘just because’ we felt like doing it? Why do we
randomly bring treats into work? ‘Just because we felt like doing something
nice. Why did you do that person you cannot stand such a huge favor? ‘Just
because’ that person needed something nice to happen. Just because is part of
the whole Ish way of life. We constantly, as members of society, strive to do
things for the ‘right reasons’ – and maybe our best reason is ‘just because.’
Just because I wanted to see a smile on your face; Just
because you deserve to feel loved/appreciated/special. Just because you are special/you
light up my life/your presence makes my heart Jump for Joy. Just because.
Maybe we don’t need to always have a clear-cut reason as to
why the heck we decided to do something nice. Maybe, we Just do it because it
will make the world a better place, a brighter place, a more beautiful place.
Maybe, Just maybe, we did that special something Just because.
May your Just becauses bring your life abundant Joy.
Just because.
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