I love me some Weekends. A few years ago, I had an
interesting conversation with…I’m pretty sure it was a student, but I can’t
promise…about why Saturday and Sunday are considered the weekend. The result of
the conversation was that we felt that the weekends should either be longer, or
show up more frequently.
My job is fabulous and totally worth time and effort, but
weekend are very symbolic for me. They stand for time – to breathe, sleep, do something
I choose, on my own schedule, and with whomever I want. On a typical weekend,
the majority of my chosen activity goes back and forth between sleeping and
reading. As one of my fabulous nieces has said (and I totally agree) is that
she and I are best friends with our beds. We cherish those relationships and
refuse to let our best friends feel lonely or miss us. J As I write this, I am at an
all-day meeting, writing this on my breaks. She, who is visiting this weekend
(she just volunteered as one of the group counselors at my school’s Outdoor
School event), is probably - I hope,
anyway – still asleep, as it is only mid to late morning.
I am not a parent to any human children. My babies of choice
are of the canine persuasion, but I do believe that children, especially during
those ever so fun teenage years, need a great deal of sleep. I keep reading
more about how everyone – general population-wise – needs to get more sleep and
receive all of those fabulous health benefits that decent nights of sleep
apparently bring along for the ride (what, and miss out on working and
stressing every second of every day? What are they thinking?). I go with the
train of thought (choo-choo!) that children need more sleep than adults, due to
the stresses on their bodies due to growing up. Teenagers, though, need even
more beyond that of younger children because they have the added super stresses
of the introduction of hormones to their systems wreaking havoc on everything. *Insert big and impressive speaking voice:
So, I say, let them sleep – and then let them sleep some more!*
As this lovely topic has me wanting to go and take a nap –
apparently frowned upon while I’m in the meeting – I’d better switch topics!
Weekends allow us to breathe, sadly a rarity for so many in the work force who
are just trying to make ends meet (or wave at each other in a friendly
fashion). So many people I’ve spoken to recently have been trying to get a second
job – and I’m unfortunately looking at joining those ranks – which of course
takes time, and makes breathing feel much more difficult. I don’t relish the idea of giving up my
Weekends, but realize that sometimes in order to achieve result A, preference X
must be postponed for a bit. We shall see, I suppose. I’m kind of hoping to
find out that I’m actually independently wealthy (by some weird timey-wimey,
wibbly-wobbly manifestation of a distortion in the space-time continuum) and
can figure out things from that perspective. J
Understandably, quite a few people spend their Weekends
catching up on what they don’t have time to do during the Week – laundry,
grocery shopping, weeding the garden, and countless other needed chores that
don’t seem to manage to complete themselves throughout the week. A good chunk
of precious Weekend time often goes toward these endeavors, but at least they
make the coming Week easier to manage.
Whether your Weekends are fun, boring, filled with Work or
play, scheduled or random – I hope they are Wonderful.
Best friends with my bed...I want to be best friends with my bed! That's one of the awesomest phrases ever...imho. I love me some weekends too...even with the laundry and other chore-like stuff that comes with. :-)